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Minutes of the public hearing on 2002 budget
Minutes of the Public Hearing on the 2002 Budget
February 12, 2002

Present:  Board of Selectmen: Jeffrey Jordan, Theodore Bailey, Dennis Call, Judy Kenneally, sec.
              Budget Committee:  Stephen MacCleery, Joanna McIntosh, Richard Debold, Walter Sanborn, John Martell

The Selectmen and the budget Committee met prior to the hearing to discuss the warrant articles.  The Selectmen and the Budget Committee recommended all articles pertaining to money.

Douglas Hall moderated the meeting.  The budget was discussed by line item.  A breakdown of each line was available to the public.  The estimated revenues and warrant articles were discussed.  Typing errors will be corrected before the budget and warrant are posted.  The warrant articles will be submitted to the Department of Revenue Adm. for approval and/or revision

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey Jordan

Theodore Bailey

Dennis Call.